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Who and When Do We Help
If you are in a difficult life situation, apply for help. We will do our best to support you.

Age 60+
Receive the minimum pension, without bonuses
No other income other than pension

Have a child under 18 years old
Family income is below 1.5 subsistence levels per person
Single-parent family / large family / family with a child or adult with disabilities / fire victims

Victims of an accident or catastrophe, a dangerous natural phenomenon

The shelter is officially registered and has been checked by our lawyers.
Foodbank Rus is a non-governmental charitable organization.
People and businesses donate food and goods to us. The amount of help is limited; we cannot help everyone. Completing the form does not guarantee that you will receive assistance. But every day we do our best to support as many people as possible.

The youngest daughter also has vision problems. The benefits are barely enough to afford the necessary medications. The old village house is in disrepair, the roof is falling in, there are cracks in the stove. There is no gas or sewerage in the house. For a family, food packages from a food bank are an opportunity to save money on a trip to the store and spend it on utilities, repairs, tuition or medicine. At first glance, this is quite a bit, but for some it means confidence that tomorrow there will also be lunch.